Today's Immersion Podcast—Petr and Rob talk recap 2017 professional and personal accomplishments and goals for 2018…
Tweet us any ideas for show topics and show feedback: Rob: and Petr:
Today's Immersion Podcast—Petr and Rob talk about front end developer and designer news. We had some connectivity issues so we had to record both respective parts separately.
Tweet us any ideas for show topics and show feedback: Rob: and Petr:
Today's Immersion Podcast—Petr and Rob talk about Styleguides and Design Systems
Today's Immersion Podcast is Petr solo talking about front end updates!
Today's Immersion Podcast is all about content management systems aka CMS.
What's the ? Javascript, APIs + Markup = a better approach to web projects.
Tweet us any ideas for show topics and show feedback: Rob: and Petr:
We announce that SVG Immersion is in the process of rebranding to just "The Immersion Podcast", and Rob announces to the world that Petr Tichy is now the co-host and partner in immersion crime.
This show is very much an introduction to the new format, plans we have for the show, and a warm-up for both Rob and Petr to get back in to the swing of podcast things!
Tweet us any ideas for show topics and show feedback: Rob: and Petr: