Interview with Amelia Bellamy-Royds. Amelia is a professional freelance writer specializing in scientific and technical communication. She’s the coauthor of the SVG Essentials 2nd Edition book, an “invited expert” on the W3C’s SVG working group, involved in the SVG Accessibility Task Force, and has extensive experience using SVG for data visualizations. With a masters degree in journalism, Amelia is an amazing technical writer.
Loop Freesky–dEbE:
frankum: (adapted with vocals by Nico Dotti)
notembug-Epic Tribal Drums:
Conversation with Chris Gannon...
Chris specializes in animation, UI, video and interactive design and runs the site as well as the company FrameSpark Interactive–which specializes in HTML5 apps, interactive video and animation, interfaces & games, for all form factors from mobile to tablet to desktop. Chris can also be found on CodePen where his work sometimes ends up in the Top Picks or Popular sections.
Loop Freesky–dEbE:
frankum: (adapted with vocals by Nico Dotti)
notembug-Epic Tribal Drums: